Featured Projects
Indirect Influence and CompetitionFocus Area:
Influence and Information Capabilities
Project Cost:
Project Duration:
18 months
Excivity, Inc.
The Prospector toolkit will consist of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tools and network backhaul that meet the needs of modern Cyber Operators engaged at the tactical and operational edge.
End User:
1st SFC (A)
The Department of Defense (DoD) has been hindered from performing remote cyber operations in support of counterterrorism targeting and peer competition due to adversarial activities across the cyberspace domain. Although ground-based capabilities exist, Special Operations Forces (SOF) require an enterprise-level ability to support cyber-enabled activities in order to bridge the gap between tactical, operational, and higher echelons of cyber capability.
Operational Impact:
The Prospector toolkit will provide modern Cyber Operators with an area of COTS capability that will enhance their ability to conduct more robust cyber operations against threat forces, and provide the end user with guidance, direction and training for future cyber operations and requirements.
Provide modern Cyber Operators a prototype toolkit for operational testing and evaluation. If the toolkits work well, the kits will be introduced into the SOF training curriculum for specific use case training including new training under development by IWTSD’s HPT Subgroup.