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Publications and Software

Best Practices Guide for Identifying Potential Threats to Bridges (BPG Bridges)

The Technical Support Working Group has developed the Best Practices Guide for Identifying Potential Threats to Bridges for use by bridge owners, managers, engineers, and operational staff for assessing the vulnerability of their particular structures to attack. The BPG Bridges is a 74 page guide that focuses on identifying vulnerabilities of different bridge types. The BPG Bridges is printed on waterproof paper, spiral bound, and suitable for operational use in the maritime environment.

The BPG Bridges is a restricted document available only to military and federal, state, and local governments and bridge owners and operators. It is not for public release and must be protected from release to unauthorized personnel. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document with the approval of their government sponsor or bridge owner or authority. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The BPG Bridges is available from the Government Printing Office at a cost of $39 each. To order, cite stock number 008-001-00178-9.

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government/owner agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Best Practices Guide for Mail Screening and Handling

Cultural Sensemaking Guide - Afghanistan

Explosive Breaching Characterization Handbook

The Explosive Breaching Characterization Handbook is a 141 page technical reference guide for use during explosive breaching training and operations. The Handbook includes information on Target Intelligence, Explosive Breaching Safety, Breaching Charge construction, and other technical data. The guide is for use by civilian law enforcement operators who have been professionally trained in explosive breaching. It is printed on waterproof paper, spiral bound, and suitable for operational use in the field.

The Breaching Handbook is For Official Use Only - Law Enforcement Sensitive ? All individuals handling the information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure. This information should be disseminated on a need-to-know basis. This document is a product of the Technical Support Working Group. It is not for public use, but is intended for use by military, federal, state, and local personnel. Authorization for use by any others than named above must be requested via e-mail to the Contact Information Form and approved by the Director CTTSO/TSWG.

The Breaching Handbook is available from the Government Printing Office in single copies for $57 each which includes shipping and handling. To order this handbook, request stock number 008-001-00187-8. First send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include stock number, contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

IED Trigger Recognition Guide (Third Edition)

Explosive Breaching Characterization Handbook

A number of Federal agencies, including the Technical Support Working Group, have collaborated on the release of the third edition of the Improvised Explosives Device (IED) Trigger Recognition Guide which is now available for Federal, State, and local government personnel dealing with combating terrorism activities and the threat of IEDs.

The Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Trigger Recognition Guide (Third Edition) was released on July 2006. The guide was prepared to assist with the field identification of electronic triggers used with improvised explosive devices. The guide provides information on more than 70 IED triggers that were found in Afghanistan and Iraq. These IED triggers may be used to detonate time, command, victim-operated, and projected IEDs. Each trigger has a full page (front and back) write-up with accompanying pictures and statistics (e.g., Radio Frequency, Control Code, Anti-Tamper Features, Power Source, and Size). More detailed technical information, including additional photography and schematic diagrams, is available for each device. Updated versions of the IED Trigger Recognition Guide are published as new IED triggers are recovered.

The IED Trigger Recognition Guide is Unclassified//For Official Use Only (FOUO) to facilitate distribution in the field. This information should be considered sensitive and protected accordingly.

To order the IED Trigger Recognition Guide, contact:

The National Counterterrorism Center
Community Integration Group
IICT Secretariat
2N233, Liberty Crossing 1
Washington, DC 20505
Tel: 571-280-6996
Fax: 571-280-0547

Indicators and Warnings for Homemade Explosives

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Indicators and Warnings for Homemade Explosives as a quick reference guide for military, first responders, federal, state, and local government personnel. The goal of this guidebook is to provide awareness level information that will allow on-scene personnel to rapidly assess that a situation involves the presence of homemade explosives to alert military EOD team or state or local bomb squad personnel. This guidebook is divided into three sections: Homemade Explosives, Chemical Components, and Manufacturing Equipment that addresses 9 homemade explosives, 20 precursor chemicals, and 6 types of manufacturing equipment.

  • The Homemade Explosives section describes the key identifiers, hazards, commercial uses, chemical components, and equipment used in the manufacture of homemade explosives.
  • The Chemical Components section describes the key identifiers, hazards, commercial uses, commercial sources, and the homemade explosives it can be used to create.
  • The Manufacturing Equipment section summarizes the laboratory and improvised equipment that can be utilized during the manufacturing process.
  • The HME Guide is an 80 page, 5 X 7 inch, spiral bound guidebook that is For Official Use Only - Law Enforcement Sensitive - All individuals handling the information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure. This information should be disseminated on a need-to-know basis. This document is a product of the Technical Support Working Group. It is not for public use, but is intended for use by military, first responders, federal, state, and local personnel. Authorization for use by any others than named above must be requested via e-mail to [email protected] and approved by the Director IWTSD/TSWG.

The Guide is available from the Government Printing Office in packs of 5 copies for $85.00. To order this guidebook, request stock number 008-001-00185-1. First send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include stock number, contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Pipeline Blast Mitigation Report

Post-blast Investigation Training for EOD Technicians on the Battlefield (DVD and Reference Card Set)

Realistic, Adaptive, Interactive Learning System (RAILS)

A comprehensive software simulation-based learning system to train law enforcement officers, Coast Guard, Border Patrol, hazmat teams, and other first responders in the use of radiological/nuclear, chemical, and explosives trace detectors. It is comprised of a web-based learning management system that is located on a central server, as well as a 3D simulation package that is downloaded locally to user machines. A stand alone, non-web-based version is available as well, and both versions are free for government use. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

Securing your SCADA and Industrial Control Systems

This guidebook, developed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), provides information for enhancing the security of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS). The information is a comprehensive overview of industrial control system security, including administrative controls, architecture design, and security technology. This guide is intended for all sectors that use SCADA or ICS technology. This is a guide for enhancing security, not a how-to manual for building an ICS, and its purpose is to teach ICS managers, administrators, operators, engineers, and other ICS staff what security concerns they should be taking into account. Download the public release limited version here, or request the full publication on line from the Government Printing Office The GPO Stock Number is 008-022-00338-0, and the price is $17.

Sensitive Site Exploitation Guide (SSEG)

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Sensitive Site Exploitation Guide for use by Military and Government agencies dealing with terrorist related or other incidents involving explosives, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and hazardous materials.

The SSEG is an 94 page field guide for use by Military EOD units, U.S. Coast Guard, and other federal agencies, State and local bomb squads & HAZMAT units for exploration of sites that contain explosives, toxic chemicals, unexpended ordnance, and Weapons of Mass Destruction. The guide is printed on waterproof paper, spiral bound, and suitable for field use.

The SSEG provides information on planning, equipment, exploitation procedures and search methods, collection operations. It identifies site specific considerations for fixed sites, aircraft, rail, cargo, and confined space exploitation. Also provided are decontamination information, placards, warnings, markings; and information on Personal Protective Equipment levels.

The SSEG is a restricted document available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group/ Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (TSWG/CTTSO) prior to being ordered from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

After receiving a confirmation number from TSWG/CTTSO, authorized users may order the SSEG from the Government Printing Office. GPO Cost is $97 for a pack of 10 guides. It is not available as a single copy. To order, cite stock number 008-001-00175-4.

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Scenario and Target Relevant Explosive Equivalence Tool (STREET)

IWTSD and DHS S&T are excited to announce the release of STREET v2, available at no cost to all U.S. Government and contractors with government sponsorship. STREET can now be used to calculate C-4 equivalence in addition to TNT for a long list of homemade explosive materials, as well as a number of munitions grade explosives.

Small Watercraft Inspection Guide

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Small Watercraft Inspection Guide for use by all Federal emergency and law enforcement officers, and all State and Local Fire, Law Enforcement, HAZMAT, Bomb Squad, and other emergency/public government services organizations which may be involved with inspection of watercraft that may pose a terrorist threat. The SWIG is also useful for inspecting small watercraft for contraband.

The SWIG is an 89 page guide for determining various indicators of suspect hidden Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on a range of vessel types, recognition of typical representative IED types, and has a training section for recognition of explosives and IED types. It is printed on waterproof paper, spiral bound, and suitable for field use.

The SWIG is a restricted document available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The SWIG is available from the Government Printing Office for $9 each. To order, cite stock number 008-001-00159-2.

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail.
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time
Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents
Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001.

All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Suicide/Homicide Bomber Pocket Guide

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Suicide/Homicide Bomber Pocket Guide (SHBG) for use by all Federal emergency and law enforcement officers, and all State and Local Fire, Law Enforcement, HAZMAT, Bomb Squad, and other emergency/public government services organizations, which may be involved with screening people that may pose a terrorist threat.

The SHBG is a 5" X 7" pocket guide providing performance and best practices focused on operational lessons learned and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for Law Enforcement and Security Personnel on the subject of Preparation for the Suicide/Homicide Bomber. The guide book, based on the content of the related Preparation for the Suicide/Homicide Bomber Training Support Package (TSP), is a reference for reviewing the training provided in the TSP. The guide is a succinct, compact, handy reference guide produced in an accessible and durable form.

The SHBG is a restricted document available only to First Responders, Federal, Allied, State, and Local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The SHBG is available from the Government Printing Office. The cost is $131 U.S. for a packet of 5. To order, follow the instructions below and cite stock number 008-001-00183-5.

The SHBG is supported by the Suicide/Homicide Bomber Training Support Package (S/HB TSP) which is also available under the same restrictions from Government Printing Office for $128 U.S. dollars. To order the TSP, cite stock number 008-001-00171-1.

To order these products, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The products can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set as a quick reference guide for military, first responders, federal, state, and local government personnel.

The Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set is a 4" x 6", 16 page, tabbed flip-book intended to provide first responders from Federal, State and Local government services organizations with guidelines for evacuating civilian personnel from potential bomb threats. The booklet can also be used by emergency planners to develop personnel evacuation plans from specific buildings, sites, or facilities based on various bomb threat levels.

The booklets are printed on "Polyart" paper, which is waterproof and resistant to tearing, temperature variations, grease and most chemicals. The flipbooks are printed in full 4/4 process color with an additional protective UV coating and bound with a plastic spiral binding.

This card set is For Official Use Only (FOUO) - All individuals handling the information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure. This information should be disseminated on a need-to-know basis. This document is a product of the Technical Support Working Group. It is not for public use, but is intended for use by military, first responders, federal, state, and local personnel. Authorization for use by any others than named above must be requested via e-mail to [email protected].

The Guide is available from the Government Printing Office (GPO) for $8.00 per copy. To order the card set, request stock number 008-001-00198-3. First send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include title, stock number, contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

The Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Best Practice Guide (SEEC Guide)

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Best Practice Guide principally for use by Military and Government agencies dealing with terrorist related or other incidents involving collection of prosecution-based evidence collection in overseas locations where the courts may not recognize DNA and other types of more sophisticated evidence.

The SEEC Guide is a 110 page field guide for use by Military and other federal agencies for overseas evidence collection purposes. This guide provides best practices for conducting a systematic search of a secure location to enable the collection of evidence and information that can be used in the prosecution and conviction of detainees, as well as the development of tactical, operational, and strategic intelligence information. The guide covers topics such as SE Team Roles and Responsibilities, use of the SE kit, Biometrics Basics, Site Assessment, Search Techniques, Cache Detection, Evidence Identification, Scene Documentation, Evidence Handling, Detainee Handling, Tactical Questioning, Report Writing, the Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI), and Mission Debrief. It is intended to provide information to for those are already trained in SE and is not a substitute for training.

Also available to support SEEC missions are a set of Field Cards and a Training Support Package. See separate descriptions of these publications.

The SEEC Guide is a restricted document available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and investigative activities. Contractors providing investigative services to these agencies may also procure the document with the concurrence of their government sponsor. All orders must first be confirmed by the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office/Technical Support Working Group (CTTSO/TSWG) prior to being ordered from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

After receiving a confirmation number from CTTSO/TSWG, authorized users may order the SSEC Guide from the Government Printing Office. Price is $38 each. To order, cite GPO Stock Number: 008-001-00188-6 (ISBN: 978-0-16-080084-9)

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

The Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Field Reference Card Set (SEEC Field Reference Card Set)

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Field Reference Card Set for use principally prosecution-based evidence collection in overseas locations where the courts may not recognize DNA and other types of more sophisticated evidence.

The 11 card, 21-page, 5" X 7" SEEC Field Reference Card Set contains additional tips and information for successful evidence collection, such as constructing an evidence collection kit, lighting notes for use when photographing evidence, documenting a search, creating a sketch, identification of small arms, mortar, artillery and rockets, and DNA collection for use by Military and other federal agencies.

Also available to support SEEC missions are Best Practices Guide and a Training Support Package. See separate descriptions of these publications.

The SEEC Field Reference Card Set is a restricted document available only to Federal government agencies involved in security and investigative activities. Contractors providing investigative services to these agencies may also procure the document with the concurrence of their government sponsor. All orders must first be confirmed by the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office/Technical Support Working Group (CTTSO/TSWG) prior to being ordered from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

After receiving a confirmation number from CTTSO/TSWG, authorized users may order the SEEC Field Cards from the Government Printing Office. GPO Cost is $19 for a pack of 5 card sets. They are not available as a single copy. To order, cite GPO Stock Number 008-001-00189-4 (ISBN: 978-0-16-080085-6).

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Tunnel Vulnerability Assessment Best Practices Guide

The Tunnel Vulnerability Assessment Best Practices Guide is a 120 page guide for tunnel owners and operators, which identifies potential threats to tunnels. The best practices guide includes information on: tunnel configurations, tunnel threats and vulnerabilities, and how to assess the need for security upgrades via a risk assessment, and techniques for mitigating potential threats.

This guide is a restricted document available only to military, federal, state, and local governments; and bridge owners and operators. It is not for public release and must be protected from release to unauthorized personnel. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document with the approval of their government sponsor, tunnel owner, or operator. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The Tunnels Guide is available from the Government Printing Office in single copies for $36 each, which includes shipping and handling. First, send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include stock number, contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. The stock number for the Tunnel Vulnerability Assessment Best Practices Guide is 008-001-00193-2. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number.

After receiving an approval number, orders may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800
Fax: (202) 512-2250
Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents
Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001

Tunnel Vulnerability Assessment Best Practices Guide

The Vehicle Inspection Guide is intended for use by law enforcement, HAZMAT teams, bomb squads, other emergency/public government service organizations, and other security forces which may be involved with inspection of vehicles that may pose a terrorist bomb threat.

The VIG is a 5" x 7" spiral-bound, 160-page booklet printed on waterproof paper. It is intended for determining various indicators of suspect hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on a range of vehicle types, recognition of typical representative IED types, and has a training section for recognition of explosives and IED types.

The VIG offers guidelines in interviewing vehicle occupants and focusing attention on the "hot spots" of most types of personal and commercial vehicles on the road. A unique feature of the presentation is guidance to be just as aware of the absence of usual items as the presence of suspicious items in or on a vehicle or occupants before deciding what level of inspection to conduct. Supplemental information includes a section on weapons of mass destruction and an expanded section on explosive materials and devices.

The VIG is a restricted document/media available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

To order this document, send an e-mail to [email protected] with contact name, organization name, address, telephone number, and quantity desired. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Order approval number and ordering instructions will be provided via email.

Training Support Packages

Blast Mitigation Software

CB Tool Software for Architects and Designers

Cultural Awareness: Indonesia Training Support Package

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Cultural Awareness: Indonesia Training Support Package (CAI TSP) for use by military forces operating in Indonesia.

The Cultural Awareness: Indonesia Training Support Package is a complete package of training course materials designed for use in promoting understanding and positive interactions between Americans and Indonesians during in-country military operations. The CAI TSP covers topics such as:

  • Definition and Comparison of Culture
  • Indonesian:
    • Government
    • Economy
    • Major and Minor Religions
    • People
    • Social Constructs

  • Language (Bahasa Indonesia Overview, Greetings and People, Places and Travel, and Military Terms),
  • Mission Critical:
    • Indonesia Briefing
    • Military and Security Forces
    • US Deployment to Indonesia

The CAI TSP binder contains the 792-page instructor manual, a CD-ROM containing all course materials, and a DVD containing the classroom support materials.

Due to the sensitive nature of its content, the CAI TSP is a restricted document available only to Federal, Allied, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing services and training to these agencies may also procure the TSP with the sponsorship of their contracting agency. The CAI TSP is available from the Government Printing Office (GPO). All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO). The cost is $234 U.S. To order, cite stock 008-001-00194-1.

To order the CAI TSP, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mailed document with an approval number and ordering instructions. The TSP can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Intermodal Supply Chain Security Training Support Package

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Cultural Awareness: Indonesia Training Support Package (CAI TSP) for use by military forces operating in Indonesia.

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Intermodal Supply Chain Security (ISCS) Training Support Package (TSP) for use by security and law enforcement personnel dealing with elements of the Intermodal Supply Chain.

The ISCS TSP is an eight hour course that combines WMD threat identification and current policies and regulations regarding inter-modal containers and security. This TSP is for training law enforcement and security personnel to an awareness level on the subject of Intermodal Supply Chain Security by utilizing an instructor and student manual, as well as PowerPoint presentations and video.

The ISCS TSP is contained in a 3-inch, 3-ring binder and includes:

  1. 300 pages of Instructor Manual and Student Manuals
  2. Two CD-ROMs containing a Train-the-Trainer Video, PowerPoint Presentations and Classroom Videos

The ISCS TSP is a law enforcement sensitive restricted document available only to Federal, Allied, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities related to transportation and port security. Contractors providing security services and training to these agencies may also procure the TSP. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The ISCS TSP is available from the Government Printing Office (GPO). The cost is $215 U.S. To order, cite stock number 008-001-00181-9.

To order the ISCS TSP, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number (and password for the CD ROM). The products can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Merchant Vessel Inspection Guide (MVIG) Training Support Package

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Training Support Package (TSP) for the Merchant Vessel Inspection Guide for use by Federal, State, and Local government personnel, port security operations personnel, and others in the inspection of large merchant vessels for indicators of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The MVIG TSP trains personnel that maybe involved with the inspection of merchant vessels to determine various indicators of suspect hidden Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on a range of vessel types. The MVIG TSP contains a 520-page instructor manual, a CD-ROM containing all course materials, and a DVD containing classroom supporting materials.

The MVIG TSP is restricted documentation and media that is available only to Federal, State, and Local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. The package is also approved for NATO release. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the MVIG TSP. All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO). The cost for each MVIG TSP is $242. Order GPO Stock Number 008-001-00186-0.

Before ordering from GPO, please send an e-mail to [email protected] for approval. In the email please include quantity desired, contact name, organization name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency contact information to verify their need to acquire the MVIG TSP. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The MVIG TSP can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Personnel Screening Guide Training Support Package

The Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) has released the Training Support Package (TSP) for the Personnel Screening Guide (PSG) for preparing security and response personnel and other emergency/public government service organizations which may be involved with screening people that may pose a terrorist threat.

The information is intended to supplement information contained in the PSG and should be applied in conjunction with previous training, experience, and standard procedures and policies. The PSG TSP guides participants through three units of training by employing interactive lectures with supporting videos, exercises, and assessments. The Suspicious Indicators unit provides material that security personnel will use to flag a person as suspicious. The Interview covers material that security personnel will use while interviewing a person who has been flagged as suspicious. The Personnel Search unit investigates material related to inspecting the suspicious person and his/her belongings.

The PSG TSP consists of a three ring binder containing printed instructor guidance, a student manual, and PowerPoint™ slides for instructional use. Included with the shrink-wrapped binder are two VHS video tapes; one containing a Train-the-Trainer video, and the other containing classroom support video clip scenarios. Also included in the package is a CD-ROM containing, in a digitized format, all information in the manuals, PowerPoint™ slides, and video clips.

The PSG TSP is restricted documentation and media that is available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the PSG TSP. All orders must first be confirmed by TSWG prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The cost for each PSG TSP is $81.00. When ordering the PSG TSP, cite stock number 008-001-00173-8. To order this product, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The product can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800
Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time

Send Mail to:
Superintendent of Documents
Mail Stop: SSOP
Washington, DC 20402-0001

All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Preparation for the Suicide/Homicide Bomber Training Support Package

The Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) has released the Training Support Package (TSP) for the Preparation for the Suicide/Homicide Bomber (PSB) for preparing security and response personnel and other emergency/public government service organizations assigned to counter-terrorism activities.

The information should be applied in conjunction with previous training, experience, and standard procedures and policies. The PSB TSP guides participants through three levels of training by employing interactive lectures with supporting videos, exercises, and assessments. The awareness level training explores the motivations, characteristics, and possible effects of a suicide/homicide bomber. The operations level training investigates the techniques used by a suicide/homicide bomber as well as proactive countermeasures and pre-detonation and post-blast protocols. The command level training addresses post-blast scene management, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and media management.

The PSB TSP consists of a three ring binder containing printed instructor guidance, a student manual, and PowerPoint™ slides for instructional use. Included with the shrink-wrapped binder are two VHS video tapes; one containing a Train-the-Trainer video, and the other containing classroom support video clip scenarios. Also included in the package are three CD-ROMs and one DVD containing, in a digitized format, all information in the manuals, PowerPoint™ slides, and video clips.

The PSB TSP is restricted documentation and media that is available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the PSB TSP.

All orders must first be confirmed by TSWG prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO). The cost for each PSB TSP is $128.00. When ordering the PSB TSP, cite stock number 008-001-00171-1. To order this product, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The product can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: Toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800
Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time

Send Mail to:
Superintendent of Documents
Mail Stop: SSOP
Washington, DC 20402-0001

All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Risk-Based Selection of Personal Protective Equipment Training Support Package

This training is designed to help the hazardous materials technician select, maintain, and operate within the appropriate personal protective equipment. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

Site Security Planning Tool (SSPT ™)

The Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Best Practice Training Support Package (SEEC TSP)

The Technical Support Working Group has released the Site Exploitation: Evidence Collection Best Practice Training Support Package for use by military and government agencies dealing with terrorist related or other incidents. The training is intended for prosecution-based evidence collection principally in overseas locations where the courts may not recognize DNA and other types of more sophisticated evidence.

The SEEC TSP is a is a three-ring binder that contains a 392-page instructor manual, a CSI-style introduction to Evidence Collection DVD, and a CD-ROM containing all course materials and printable student materials to be used in classroom instruction principally for military personnel on evidence collection procedures and methodology during site exploitation (SE) operations.

Also available to support this mission are Best Practices Guide and a Field Card Set. See separate descriptions of these publications.

The SEEC TSP is a restricted document available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in evidence collection and investigations. Contractors providing investigative services to these agencies overseas may also procure the document. All orders must first be confirmed by the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office/Technical Support Working Group (CTTSO/TSWG) prior to being ordered from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

To order this training package, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to [email protected], and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

After receiving a confirmation number from CTTSO/TSWG, authorized users may order the SEEC TSP from the Government Printing Office. Price is $210 per copy. To order, cite GPO Stock Number: 008-001-00190-8 (ISBN: 978-0-16-080086-3).

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed with GPO via e-mail, fax, and mail. Online:, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800, DC Area: (202) 512-1800, Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/NOVUS, or GPO Deposit Account.

Vehicle Inspection Guide Training Support Package

The Vehicle Inspection Guide Training Support Package (VIG TSP) supports the use of the publication by the same name and for the security training of federal, state, and local government personnel, port security operations personnel, and others involved with screening vehicles at security checkpoints.

The VIG TSP contains a 280-page course to train personnel that may be involved with the inspection of vehicles to determine various indicators of suspect hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The VIG TSP binder contains the 280-page instructor manual, a CD-ROM containing all course materials, and a DVD containing the classroom support materials. The VIG TSP supports the field use of the Vehicle Inspection Guide.

The VIG TSP is restricted documentation and media that is available only to federal, state, and local governments involved in security and counterterrorism activities. Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the VIG TSP.

To order this training package, send an e-mail to [email protected], include contact name, organization name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and quantity desired. Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency contact information to verify their need to acquire. Order approval number and ordering instructions will be provided via email.