Contract opportunities with the IWTSD can be found on the BAA Information Delivery System (BIDS) at BIDS works to support the IWTSD mission through the electronic publication of its annual BAAs (Broadcast Agency Announcements). BAAs are the solicitation method of choice to bring the most urgent irregular warfare requirements forward for publication. More information about contract opportunities, recent awards, and submitting proposals with the IWTSD can be found on the BIDS website.
Solvers are provided with the opportunity to develop innovative solutions for the unique challenges facing IWTSD in achieving its mission to deliver capabilities to combat terrorism and irregular adversaries to Department of Defense components and interagency partners.
The IWTSD awards contracts to vendors of all sizes throughout the United States and the world. Whether it's a small, veteran-owned business, a mid-sized company, a large corporation, a university, or a government laboratory, the IWTSD strives to find those vendors who have the best ideas to develop solutions for irregular warfare requirements.